Forcella, Naples

Forcella is stabbed into the deepest guts of Napoli. It’s the oldest and smallest neighborhood in Naples. Forcella is known as the home to the most violent and fierce mafia gangs, imposing their laws for decades.

In Forcella time is suspended, frozen in a undefined era that holds the breath from postwar to the Eighties. People relate to each other following ancient rites of friendship and politeness. The 1980’s earthquake is the scar left by the fate ruling our lives. Poverty is the queen. Camorra the king.

Forcella is the archetype of the whole city of Naples.

These pictures are a selection of the broader work of exploration of Naples, with stories and fascinations collected in the neighbourhood of Forcella. Many of the shots have been done within that area, that acted as a springboard for the entire photo feature.

Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni