lidf_280The London International Documentary Festival is expanding and this year will include documentary photography in its programme for the first time. To celebrate this new direction, 20 photographers will be given the opportunity to take part in one of two 5-day intensive documentary photography workshops lead by internationally acclaimed Magnum photographers Donovan Wylie and Olivia Arthur.

Donvan’s workshop will concentrate on documenting urban spaces and their populations, and successful candidates will work under his expert guidance to build a new body of London-focused work. Olivia’s women-only workshop will give 10 female photographers the chance to develop their individual visual language and boost their portfolio in a heavily male dominated industry.

Aimed at professionals or advanced amateurs with a good understanding of photographic practices, the event will lead two groups of 10 individuals through an intensive 5-day programme of daily reviews, group critiques, mentoring and editing sessions.

Both workshops will be based in the teaching rooms at UCL’s central London campus, from 3 – 7 May. The workshop will culminate in a projection of the participants work during the festival’s closing party at British Museum on Saturday 8 May 2010.

For more information and to apply for either workshop, please go to:

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