The series kicks off with long-term collaborators Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, whose unusual and innovative approach to photojournalism has earned them a place amongst the most progressive photographers working on the frontline today.
Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin were embedded with the British Army in Helmand Province, Afghanistan last June. They were skeptical of their role as embedded journalists and of the particular narrative of the war they were expected to illustrate. They will be presenting this recent project (The Day Nobody Died), as well as earlier works produced in Iraq (The Red House) and Israel (Chicago).
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
7.30pm Tuesday 19th May 2009
Conway Hall, South Place Ethical Society
25 Red Lion Square
London, WC1R 4RL
Anyone who has already seen Simon Norfolk speak will know they are in for a lively and fascinating lecture.
Simon Norfolk’s lecture will cover: the earliest photojournalism, 18th century Romantic painting, the relationship between forensics and archaeology, the design of the gardens of English country houses, the sublime awfulness of modern weapons systems, how to photograph a nuclear missile, and how to yomp 12,000 watts of lighting through the jungles of the Yucatan…
Simon Norfolk
7.30pm Thursday 11th June 2009
Conway Hall, South Place Ethical Society
25 Red Lion Square
London, WC1R 4RL
For more information and to book tickets click here or call 020 70333878