The Rory Peck Award for News
This award honours freelance coverage of on-the-day news, where thefocus is on the immediacy of the story.  Entries should be a singlestory of rushes/non-voiced pieces with a maximum duration of 10minutes.

The Rory Peck Award for Features
This award honours freelance news features: in-depth pieces which lookbeyond the immediacy of a news story.  Entries should have a maximumduration of 1 hour.

The Sony Professional Impact Award
This award honours freelance news footage which raises humanitarianissues and has had an impact internationally or contributed to a changein perception or policy. Entries should have a maximum duration of 1hour.

In all categories the awards honour:

individual endeavour
initiative and enterprise in camerawork and concept
quality of camerawork
journalistic ability and integrity

The Awards Ceremony will be held at BFI Southbank in London on Thursday 19 November 2009

Further information and entry forms log onto or email


Closing Date for Entries: Friday 4th September 2009.

The Rory Peck Trust exists to support freelance newsgatherers and theirfamilies worldwide in times of need, and to promote their welfare andsafety.