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you can make a difference by helping to underwrite the costs associated with producing EI8HT
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or contact us directly on
+44 (0)207 253 8801

EI8HT is seeking patronage and private donations from individuals and organisations to help support the development of the magazine and hence further its work in photojournalism

If you would like to discuss any aspect of donating to EI8HT and areas of special interest that you would wish to help fund then please do not hesitate to call the publisher, Jon Levy

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a brief history of foto8 and EI8HT
March 2002
Foto8 announces the
creation of ei8ht magazine

EI8HT is the first international, subscriber funded, photographer-produced, independent, magazine of photojournalism. Drawing on the talent and professionalism of award-winning photographers and writers around the globe EI8HT will publish both colour and black & white photo-stories alongside articles on subjects ranging from major global issues to personal, photographer-funded projects.

News Release, Vol.1 No.1 >>
MAY 2003
Sometimes I wonder what the heck we got in to

You’ve brought up your own children and are on the verge of retirement. You’re looking forward to having more time for yourself, and then you are asked to step in, to take care of your grandchildren. It’s a scenario fraught with difficulties that is becoming an everyday reality for thousands of grandparents. The photo story, Parents Again, appears in EI8HT, Vol.2 No.1, extending our reputation for publishing socially aware and challenging photo stories.

News Release, Vol.2 No.1 >>
Vol.3 No.1 – MAY 2004
Leave Your Comfort Zone

This is my declaration and my call to you to sign up to EI8HT and support the publishing of compelling, independent photojournalism. The point of EI8HT is to be an instrument for readers, to assist them to navigate these stories and gain an understanding of issues through photography. EI8HT, itself, leaves its comfort zone behind by engaging with and supporting authors to provide them with the forum for free photographic expression.

Editorial, Vol.3 No.1 >>

EI8HT is published by foto8 Ltd 1-5 Honduras Street, London EC1Y 0TH, England.
tel: +44 (0)20 7253 8801 fax: +44 (0)20 7253 2752

Copyright © foto8 ltd 1998 – 2007